Tuesday, October 25, 2022

How to improve performance for purchase order receipt and confirmation posting in batch in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

If you experience any performance issues with these 2 processes: purchase order receipt and confirmation posting in batch, with 10.0.25 you can improve this. What you can do, you can enable multithreading/paralleling these processes. For instance, you are posting a huge number of product receipts within 1 batch, now you can split those product receipts into parallel threads, that will speed up the overall posting process. 

There are 2 parameters available to control this:

Documents per task: Controls how many orders will post per task. This will be useful if a batch job picks up a big number of orders for posting.

Lines per task: limits the number of lines per order that will post in a single task. This is great for orders volume with uneven number of order lines, so that those orders with bigger/biggest number of postings will be in new posting threads.

  • This parameter will not! split order lines of individual order into separate batch tasks, it will only ensure that those whole orders whose lines exceed the lines per task setting (2) go into their own new batch task/thread for posting
  • This parameter takes precedence over the Documents per task parameter (1), so if the parameter 2 is greater than 0, the parameter 1 is ignored. 
  • This parameter is only available once the feature Limit the number of purchase order lines per batch task is enabled.


Couple of examples for easier understanding:

Example 1:

Parameter 1: 5
Parameter 2: 0 
These are defaults

Product receipt batch job picks up 6 orders

Result: 2 posting batch tasks will be created.

Example 2:

Parameter 1: 5
Parameter 2: 10

Product receipt batch job picks up 4 following orders:
Order 1 with 10 lines
Order 2 with 20 lines
Order 3 with 3 lines
Order 4 with 11 lines

Result: 3 posting batch tasks will be created:   
1st task picks up order 1, 
2nd task picks up order 2 and order 3
3rd task picks up order 4

That's it!

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